My picks of the best Emmy outfits! I really liked Mila Kunis dress it was so modern and young without being slutty, the colour was perfect with her hair colour and skin tone. January Jones looked FAB totally modern egyptian queen with a little bit of sci-fi thrown in, loved it! I am a big Leighton fan and really liked her grecian dress but wasn't a huge fan of the red lips. I don't think many people can pull off the red lips perfectly! I think that Jennifer Love Hewitt looked gorgeous in her lemon gown it made me want to eat sherbet!
An birds eye view of the extended Fantasyland 2012
Okay so i am aplogising in advance for this Blog as i am stupidly exciting right now!!! I knew that the arrival of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter would mean changes to Disney World but never could i have imagined this! After the purchase of Marvel i assumed that was there big up yours to Universal Studios and they were going to use the superheroes to aim alot of new things at older boys/teens. However they have completing gone in a different direction, an extension of Fantasyland! Now any Disney fan know Fantasyland is ever little girls dream castles, smaller rides for children and lots of Princess themed things! I could never have dreamed they would run with this but they are creating areas for each famous Princess!
Visitors will be able to visit Cinderella in her Mansion and see many characters from the film also. This is pretty much the only information they released on Cinderella's area which makes me assume it will mainly be a greeting area or similar to Minnie and Mickeys houses in ToonTown.
You can help plan Auroras Sweet 16 birthday party by creating cards for her and then throwing a suprise party. This seems to be a similar event to Belles Storytime where Aurora comes and talks to the children.
Wow as a huge Beauty and the Beast fan this area blew my mind! Enter Belles cottage (where it appears they will be placing storytime with Belle) and using a magic mirror travel to the Beasts castle where you can visit the "Be Our Guest resturant"!!!! WOW Looks similar to Cinderllas Royal Table style resturant! Then visit the town centre (where theres an awesome Gaston statue!) and visit Gastons Pub (antlers in all of his decorating!) for a less formal dining experiance!
Ariel is probably the most visited Princess as she has her own area (Ariels Grotto) created for the sole purpose of greeting. The wait time for Ariels Grotto can sometimes be hitting the 2 hour mark! So obviously Disney has run with this and creating a new Ariels Grotto including Sebastian and other characters as well as Prince Erics Castle which will hold the long anticipated Ariel ride! Disney have been dabbiling with this for YEARS i first seen the concept CGI run through on my special edition Little Mermaid DVD and was loving it! It's a very similar concept to the Peter Pan, Snow White and new Finding Nemo rides where you sit in a themed carriage which takes you through scenes from the film. Love it!
California recently destroyed Ariels Grotto greeting area to create Pixie Hollow! As you walk through Pixie Hollow you appear to shrink to Pixie size! Think Honey i Shrunk the kids play park in Hollywood Studios, giant grass etc! Then you can meet all the Pixies! I was never a big Tink fan but i really liked the new films and Disney are making ALOT of them so they are obviously getting a good response! Pixie Hollow won't open until 2013.
This i was suprised by! The most popular ride in Fantasyland is Dumbo with huge waits they have decided to triple the size of it! Which means less wait time obv but to make it even better they say "no wait at all". What they have decided to do it create a big top cirus area where you play games etc whilst you wait therefore seeming like there was very little wait! Hmmm not conviced by that! haha! But thats not all....
Star Tours in Hollywood Studios is being closed in October 2010 (thank god after i have been!) to create Star Tours 2 in 2011 (demanded by Darth Vader, youtube it V funny video from the expo with loads of Storm Troopers. Have to hand it to Disney they don't even to conferenced without all singing all dancing!) Star Tours will be similar so still a simulator but now in 3D!
So yesterday was the official press conference at Universal Studios for the progress on the Harry Potter section they are building and they released loads of new concept art! The Hogsmeade Village section with the shops and stuff looks really good but i am a little disapointed by the rides! There is going to be three main rides including the one in Hogwarts. However the other two rides are Duelling Dragons and Flight of the Unicorn renamed and themes to Harry Potter!! Not Cool! Still the whole area looks awesome i just hope that there pushed back opening date of Spring 2010 won't continue to go furthur back! If it's not open when i go i will be GUTTED!
Taylor Swift looked A M A Z I N G at the VMA's!! She always looks so elegant it does help she is super tall and slim! How can she look that fab?! There was an incident with Kanye West and Taylor Swift where he jumped up on stage took her mic of her and basically told everyone she didnt deserve her award she was accepting and Beyonce should have won! Ofc Taylor remained classy throughout the incident! So up yours Kanye don't insult Americas sweetheart just cause she outsells you by MILES!
Taylor then changed into this super cute red prom dress for her performance and when she joined a very embarassed Beyonce on stage to finish her acceptance speech
Oh my gee! K-Stew looking decent?! No! But yes! I'm not sure if her pixie cut is real or a wig but thank the heavens above someone got there hands on that mop of hair!! She almost looks good if she wasn't so surly!
AND OFC Katy Perry looking BREATHE TAKING!!!!! She went v short but fab fab fab! Glad she has gone for the extensions atm she just wasn't the same without her old Hollywood set curls!
I have been looking through my back catalogue of reference material for my graphics stuff this year and found these photos by Annie Leibovitz that were taken for a Disney campaign. I can't believe i forgot to post these before! They are some of my fav pieces of photography ever and a lovely adverts for the campaign! I can't believe they didn't do more with the images like billboards and magazines and stuff strange! My fav is the Little Mermaid image i think it is so beautiful with the colouring! I have loads of stuff to post and catch up with so i'll be posting loads of different things in new posts! xoxo