Monday, 14 September 2009


Taylor Swift looked A M A Z I N G at the VMA's!! She always looks so elegant it does help she is super tall and slim! How can she look that fab?! There was an incident with Kanye West and Taylor Swift where he jumped up on stage took her mic of her and basically told everyone she didnt deserve her award she was accepting and Beyonce should have won! Ofc Taylor remained classy throughout the incident! So up yours Kanye don't insult Americas sweetheart just cause she outsells you by MILES!

Taylor then changed into this super cute red prom dress for her performance and when she joined a very embarassed Beyonce on stage to finish her acceptance speech

Oh my gee! K-Stew looking decent?! No! But yes! I'm not sure if her pixie cut is real or a wig but thank the heavens above someone got there hands on that mop of hair!! She almost looks good if she wasn't so surly!

AND OFC Katy Perry looking BREATHE TAKING!!!!! She went v short but fab fab fab! Glad she has gone for the extensions atm she just wasn't the same without her old Hollywood set curls!


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